LXR Car Wash FAQs

FAQ's for LXR Car Wash

Product Questions

What is LXR?
LXR is an All-In-One, 5 in1, car care product that is used like a car wash. It replaces car wash, wax, glass cleaner, wheel cleaner, and bug, tar, and sap remover products, combining all of them into one, easy to use product. LXR also adds protection to your vehicle with each use by renewing its clear protective coating.

Does it contain harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment and hard on skin?
LXR is certified non-toxic and readily biodegradable, and also contains no petroleum distillates making it environmentally friendly. It is also gentle on the skin.

How do you use it?
You pour 3-4 ounces in an empty bucket, then add 1 to 1.5 gallons of water and mix well After mixing well, you should pre-rinse your car, then wash your car one section at a time, starting from the top and working your way down. After each section has been washed thoroughly, rinse your car again. No towel drying is necessary except for the windows after the first few washes. The more you use it on your vehicle, the smaller amount is needed per wash.

How does it wax your car?
It has a patented acrylic formula that renews and fortifies the clear acrylic protective coating on your vehicle every time you wash it. The formula sheets water off your vehicle vs. traditional water beading, reducing water spots and creating a non-stick formula which helps keep your vehicle cleaner for longer. This also helps eliminate towel drying. There is a video on the Home Page explaining the “Acrylionic Effect” and how it works.

Is it safe for all surfaces?
Yes, LXR is safe for all surfaces that are not harmed by water, including convertible tops, fiberglass, leather, vinyl, plastic and rubber trims, aluminum, steel, painted wheels, and newly painted vehicles.

How can LXR save me time and money?
LXR’s All-In-One formula replaces 5 separate products with just one simple wash at a fraction of the price. The added protection and renewal of your car’s nano coating increases resale value, decreases future maintenance costs, and increases your car’s longevity.

Can it be used on vehicles other than cars such as RV's?
Yes it can be used on, campers, RV’s, trailers, motorcycles and more…

Can I use LXR on my boat?
The Acrylionic® formula is specifically designed for clearcoat and other vehicle surfaces. However, if used interchangeably, the product is not harmful to gelcoat and other boat surfaces.

Label Caution –Oxidation Warning?
Some older vehicles may have damaged paint caused from oxidation. This is where rust forms under and loosens the paint. LXR may clean this loose paint off of vehicles with these conditions and may dull the surface. Test a small area if you think your vehicle has this condition. Most people like how LXR cleans up old damaged paint and then begins to restore the clear coat.

How many uses are there per bottle?
Each wash with LXR uses 3-4 ounces. A 32oz bottle contains 8-10 uses, while a gallon of LXR contains 32-42 washes.

What are some tips to get the best results when washing your car with LXR?
Make sure LXR is added to an empty bucket first and then add water to mix well and help dilute it, since it is so thick. It’s always good to rinse your car before you wash it, especially when it is hot outside. Additional washes with LXR help to increase gloss and water sheeting, as well as building up the clear protective coating. When washing, start with the top of your car and wash one section at a time. Be sure to use a sponge or microfiber towel to avoid scratching your damaging your car’s exterior.

Label Caution – Oxidation Warning?
Some older vehicles may have damaged paint caused from oxidation. This is where rust forms under and loosens the paint. LXR may clean this loose paint off of vehicles with these conditions and may dull the surface. Test a small area if you think your vehicle has this condition. Most people like how LXR cleans up old damaged paint and then begins to restore the clear coat.

Towel Drying and Window Spotting?
When initially used, you may have to towel dry your windows but this can be eliminated with additional uses. When used and rinsed properly no towel drying is need on the vehicle due to the water sheeting and drying effect of the LXR.

Is black paint an issue with LXR Wash?
Hard water is a difficult condition that many car wash products as well as the LXR try to compensate for when mixed for use. Black painted vehicles tend to absorb the wash chemicals due to their dark color more rapidly, making the application more obvious. If the wash mix is uneven or too strong it will bond to the surface unevenly causing streaks, especially evident on dark colored vehicles. This is eliminated by mixing the LXR very well, rigorously with the water. Mix well, even with warm water if possible to improve the mixing. Wash smaller sections and in addition, rinse each section after washing longer than normal. A good indicator is when rinsed well there are no suds left on the surface. Dark colored vehicles with uneven application streaks can be repaired by additional LXR washes mixed thoroughly and rinsed effectively.

Does LXR work on oxidized fiberglass? (For example, RV's and motorhomes)?
The notice on the back of Lustrelab LXR’s packaging concerning oxidized painted surfaces applies to all painted surfaces, including fiberglass. LXR is an excellent cleaner and as such, will remove the loose paint and chemical coatings on oxidized or damaged painted areas. This is why it cleans the black rubber streaking seen on RVs and motorhomes. The coating, or Acrylionic protection, works best when there are protective coatings in place that the LXR can bond to with each wash, creating the surface protection with this effect. Most oxidation damage occurs on horizontal sun exposed surfaces and not the vertical surfaces. Please test a less obvious area of the motorhome to ensure the results are satisfying. Over time with multiple washes there may begin to be some bonding, shining, and repair of the damaged surface.

I used wax on my car a week before using LXR and I’m not seeing the “sheeting” action. Could the wax be interfering with the LXR, and will additional washes make a difference?
Some heavy waxes and coating-type waxes will interfere for a short time with the sheeting ability of LXR. However, it’s temporary.

Try mixing a slightly stronger concentration of LXR and water (4-5 oz LXR to 1-1.5 gallons of water) when washing your vehicle again. Mix it very well. Wash smaller areas really well, and let the LXR sit in place for slightly longer than normal before rinsing. Rinse using a softer waterfall-type of spray from top to bottom instead of a blast direct-type of approach. Rinse until there are no more suds. These slight changes over the next couple of washes should help remove the old wax and enhance the sheeting action.

What is the difference between ceramic coatings and LXR?
Is LXR safe to use over top of surfaces already treated with ceramic coatings?
Ceramic coatings create a permanent hard surface coating on the vehicle to create protection and shine. The coatings are made out of expensive, hard materials that are difficult to apply like ceramic, thermo-plastics, solvents, fiber glass and silicone. Many formulas require specially-trained distributor applicators.

Typical application procedure for ceramic coating:

a. Compound prepare and polish vehicle.
b. Apply coating with applicator in straight lines.
c. Carefully buff to prevent streaking.
d. Wait 72 hours before washing.

With LXR, you simply wash your vehicle, saving time vs. the painstaking process of ceramic application. LXR is safe to use on ceramics.

Lustrelab LXR is made with a proprietary acrylic co-polymer science process called Acrylionic® which renews your vehicle’s clear protective coating by filling in the divots and cracks on the surface of the vehicle with protective acrylic each time you wash it. Both ceramics and LXR work on a molecular level on the vehicle’s surface. Both products create a smooth surface which improves gloss and shine. Ceramics normally form water beading on the surface, which collects dirt. LXR forms water sheeting which helps to repel dirt keeping your vehicle cleaner longer.

Ceramic coatings cost approximately $50.00 – $200.00 per application. LXR costs approximately $3.00-$5.00 per application. Ceramic coatings last 1-2 years. LXR washes last 3-6 months each. Ceramics do not eliminate the need to wash your vehicle. LXR produces and increases protection and shine with each wash.

Both LXR and Ceramic coatings claim to help protect from acid rain, UV rays, salt and environmental pollution. Both preserve car value condition. Both produce high gloss finish and prevent the need to traditionally wax.

I have a fiberglass gel-coat motorhome that has some fading on the front of the cab over. I would like to put the shine back to it. Will LXR help?
It is hard to tell without seeing photos, so feel free to send us some to

Our product has microscopic acrylic beads, the same components as your vehicle’s clear coat. Over time, that clear coat wears down and can become dull or disappear completely, leaving your paint job to fade and lose its luster as well. LXR restores that layer of the vehicle’s paint job making the car shinier and better protected.

It will not restore color to any faded paint, though, and if your clear coat is missing and the paint is old, oxidized, or damaged, it could dull or take loose paint off, so be cautious.

With that said, I have seen LXR do an amazing job bringing older looking cars back to a shinier, slicker look. We have clients use it on fiberglass boats and even the vinyl siding of their homes. I would, however test it on a small area before washing your whole vehicle, but I think it is worth the try.

Problems, Concerns, Remedies

LXR requires you put it into an empty bucket first then add the water. This helps mix it better before you use it. LXR is thick and must be diluted and mixed very well. If it isn’t mixed this way, it may leave dark streaks on your vehicle. Also dark colored hot surfaces require rinsing before washing to cool down these surfaces. Streaks can be removed with additional washes with LXR mixed correctly and rinsed very well.

White Spots:
LXR effectively removes any wax currently on the vehicle and replaces it with a clearer stronger acrylic protection. Sometimes the current wax may not get totally removed with one wash and may leave some white spotting. Wash again and rinse very well to correct this. It happens more often on black vehicles because these vehicles hold a more powerful chemical charge and do not want to release the older wax on the first wash.

Dull Surface:
See Label Caution Oxidation explanation item above in Product Questions.

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