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Eco-Friendly Car Wash
September 9, 2006
Joe Sargent
Lustrelab® LXR®
RE: Product Environmental Attributes/Certifications
We knew that Lustrelab performed well against its promises as a car care product. What we didn’t know was how it compared in terms of environmental impact. Laboratory results generated in accordance with acceptable scientific methods are now in.
Lustrelab is readily (rapidly) biodegradable – meaning that organisms found naturally in the environment can easily break down the waste product after use. Modified Sturm tests showed a “pass rate” of >60% biodegradable after 13 days and a mean biodegradation of 87% after just 28 days – the full test limit.
Lustrelab is non-toxic – meaning that the product when used at label rates (4 oz concentrate/gallon) is not toxic to any of the three test organisms at test concentration of >1,000mg/L (ppm).
In short, Lustrelab should easily be qualified to meet a “green label” such as that offered by Environmental Choice – the only North American certification program currently offering labels for products in the car wash category.
Words that could be used with the product and backed by scientific tests are: Scientific tests prove that Lustrelab is biodegradable and non-toxic.
To the extent that your formulation contains (and can be backed either by sharing the formulation or tests) no petroleum or petroleum-based products and no CFCs, then stating such should also be prudent.
Carlton N. Owen
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Edge Inc.